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70% of people experience impostor syndrome.

 Impostor syndrome is the debilitating feeling that you don’t deserve what you have or what you've achieved.

Impostor syndrome keeps high achievers in a loop of trying to be more, have more, and achieve more to prove their competence so they’re not “found out.”

Do you feel like you're never quite good enough, even though you work hard and have achieved a lot?


Are you afraid that someone is going to "find out" that you've done something wrong, even though you're not sure what that would be?


Do you ever think you just "got lucky" when you were hired for your job?



These are common Impostor Syndrome feelings.





Abstract Background
Abstract Background

Impostor syndrome is not a clinical diagnosis, though it might be in the future.
Today, researchers call it the impostor phenomenon and define it as a psychological experience.

The Impostor Syndrome Quiz is a modified version of the Clance IP Scale.


The first step to overcoming impostor syndrome is becoming aware that you experience it and start recognizing it when it shows up.

Take the quiz to find out if you might have impostor syndrome and to what degree. 

I'm Sheena

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I coach leaders who are ready to step out of survival mode and thrive. 


I have a master's degree in social work from Loyola University Chicago and I research mindset and leadership as part of my Ph.D. program at the University of Arizona Global Campus.


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